My name is Dan and I write stories and hire artists because I can't draw. If in regards to collaboration, it is easiest to contact me here: sketchyentertainment@gmail.com

Age 27, Male


Joined on 3/29/11

Exp Points:
980 / 1,110
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.21 votes
Town Watch
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Note:  This is a post for me to keep track of my work on Newgrounds before I forget the names of my accounts and become a nobody.  I now have two active accounts on Newgrounds but you'll never know what my new one is as I am starting fresh with some (hopefully) refreshing, original quality content.

A couple of collaborative projects I hosted back in 2010 under my SteakandKidneyPie account got the following views:

Clock Day Collab 2010: 13,626 views.

Parkour Collab: 10,090 views.

60 Frame Collab 1: 24,815 views.

60 Frame Collab 2: 41,730 views (got frontpaged November 9, 2010).

60 Frame Collab 3: 27,489 views (got frontpaged October 22, 2010).


I then started 60 Frame Collab 4, but I could not finish it so @Carr77 took over and fortunately, I was still credited.

60 Frame Collab 4: 27,777 views

(frontpaged August 6, 2012)

Daily 2nd Place


60 Frame Collab 5 was created without me finding out until a day ago, but received daily 3rd place on April 7, 2013 and has since received 12,081 views.


I got tired of the SteakandKidneyPie account and created this one, SketchyComics, later called Sketchy.

Adcoholic Todd: 7340 views

Daily Fifth Place on July 13, 2011


Dot Dot Square (... parody): 45,766 views

(frontpaged January 27, 2012)

Daily Second Place


Dot Dot Square was my first solo animation... obviously succeeded due to the success of Dot Dot Dot by RicePirate but nevertheless, proud of the outcome.


Don't Let Tom Down: 5554 views

Daily Fifth (October 8, 2012)


Nokia Hands Collab: 57,426 views

(Frontpaged November 20, 2012)

Daily Second Place


As of now, I'm working on bigger and more expensive projects with other users on Newgrounds. I will be bouncing back and forth from this account to my new one but am thankful to have discovered Newgrounds back in 2009 as it has influenced my future career (primary school teacher... creativity side of things) and creative hobby (until hopefully one day it becomes my job). This post was a post more for me to reflect on than you, but thanks anyway for getting through it!


As promised, the image is below.



Recent Game Medals

685 Points

NG Visitor 5 Points

Correctly match 5 NG faces from 2012.

Warming Up 5 Points

Complete 3 levels.

Undecided 5 Points

Switch the dimension 8 times in a single level.

Balancing act 10 Points

Complete 4th mission

Need for speed 10 Points

Complete 3rd mission

I'm on my way 10 Points

Complete 2nd mission

Target Practice 5 Points

Complete 1st mission

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba