My name is Dan and I write stories and hire artists because I can't draw. If in regards to collaboration, it is easiest to contact me here: sketchyentertainment@gmail.com

Age 28, Male


Joined on 3/29/11

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Sketchy's News

Posted by Sketchy - December 11th, 2016

Note:  This is a post for me to keep track of my work on Newgrounds before I forget the names of my accounts and become a nobody.  I now have two active accounts on Newgrounds but you'll never know what my new one is as I am starting fresh with some (hopefully) refreshing, original quality content.

A couple of collaborative projects I hosted back in 2010 under my SteakandKidneyPie account got the following views:

Clock Day Collab 2010: 13,626 views.

Parkour Collab: 10,090 views.

60 Frame Collab 1: 24,815 views.

60 Frame Collab 2: 41,730 views (got frontpaged November 9, 2010).

60 Frame Collab 3: 27,489 views (got frontpaged October 22, 2010).


I then started 60 Frame Collab 4, but I could not finish it so @Carr77 took over and fortunately, I was still credited.

60 Frame Collab 4: 27,777 views

(frontpaged August 6, 2012)

Daily 2nd Place


60 Frame Collab 5 was created without me finding out until a day ago, but received daily 3rd place on April 7, 2013 and has since received 12,081 views.


I got tired of the SteakandKidneyPie account and created this one, SketchyComics, later called Sketchy.

Adcoholic Todd: 7340 views

Daily Fifth Place on July 13, 2011


Dot Dot Square (... parody): 45,766 views

(frontpaged January 27, 2012)

Daily Second Place


Dot Dot Square was my first solo animation... obviously succeeded due to the success of Dot Dot Dot by RicePirate but nevertheless, proud of the outcome.


Don't Let Tom Down: 5554 views

Daily Fifth (October 8, 2012)


Nokia Hands Collab: 57,426 views

(Frontpaged November 20, 2012)

Daily Second Place


As of now, I'm working on bigger and more expensive projects with other users on Newgrounds. I will be bouncing back and forth from this account to my new one but am thankful to have discovered Newgrounds back in 2009 as it has influenced my future career (primary school teacher... creativity side of things) and creative hobby (until hopefully one day it becomes my job). This post was a post more for me to reflect on than you, but thanks anyway for getting through it!


As promised, the image is below.



Posted by Sketchy - September 20th, 2016

Hi Newgrounds!

I haven't been as active on here as much as I would like to have been for the past couple of years, solely due to the fact that I've been busy with my studies to become a primary [elementary] school teacher however, Newgrounds will always be considered as the foundation of my hobby and hopefully one day, my creative career.

I’ve been a member of Newgrounds since September 2009, when I was 12 years old.  This journey spanned three accounts, with each account mirroring an annoying time of my early years of online teenage life – this account seemingly more fun and mature.  This awareness of my enjoyment to create content led to my current interests of writing stories and hiring artists to illustrate.  I am currently working on a comic book with a fellow Newgrounds member, Jomillex, whose artistic talent I have always been envious of since our days as impatient thirteen year olds.  After years of attempting to get anywhere near the quality of his work, I came to realise that I am better with words than drawings.  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I hope to share snippets of this 50 page comic journey with you all because if I never encountered Newgrounds, the encouraging members, admins, content creators and feedback providers, this comic book and all of the stories in my head would cease to exist.


Illustrations - Joshua Miller






Posted by Sketchy - October 23rd, 2013

I have a couple weeks left of studies. I may get involved in the NG community again as it's the end of my high-schooling and I'll have about 5 months free time. I'm not dead. I miss this community so much and I feel bad having to leave it for the past few months, but it's way too addictive. it's good to see many of the artists from the beginning of the year still contributing to Newgrounds, as well as many new artists. See you all around.


Posted by Sketchy - October 21st, 2012

Read if you care...

I have remained quiet to the majority of Newgrounds about my identity, but now I'm about 2 years older and at a fairly respectable age on Newgrounds, I would like to say I am only 16 (if you couldn't already tell by my weirdly changeable online personality).

I really disliked my previous account, www.steakandkidneypie.newgrounds.com , because of my immaturity and lack of knowledge of the internet whilst still trying to establish a newgrounds identity, which I eventually did... immature noob.

I created another account, this one, to get away from that identity I had created of myself, which was probably the best move I have done on Newgrounds yet. This then lead to every submission I had a major part in (including a solo project, and two solo animated projects) winning daily awards, which I had never achieved on the previous account after many collabs -.-

I have contributed to so much more on Newgrounds with this account and have been respected much more thanks to the anonymous age, now let's hope this was a good move to tell everyone my age and I can keep contributing :D

And, you will see a couple of games and animations most likely sometime soon, maybe.

Thanks everyone, have a good one!


My Real Identity

Posted by Sketchy - October 10th, 2012

So I'm working on a couple of games and movies now. That's it.


Posted by Sketchy - October 6th, 2012

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/604040?upd ated=1

Check it out! Thought I'd aware others.

Posted by Sketchy - October 3rd, 2012

I'm making games now.

Posted by Sketchy - June 15th, 2012

So don't worry if you cared about me, I'm not actually dead. I've just had a long delay in life, and unfortunately giving up animation... however, I think I'll get back into it within another year or so, just focusing on developing a business... or whatever.

Just started pretty much: www.facebook.com/sketchycomicstrips

I've just hired an artist to create basic comic strips for now, to build fans and so on, then once we've built a large fan base, I'll be hiring many artists for this comic idea I've had for a LONG TIME!!!!! Which I think is pretty cool.

Anyway, head over and like the page and we'll keep you up to date.

Creator of SKETCHYNESS/Writer: Mwah - me - Sketchy
Art: Gabriel Uzsoki

Enjoy :)

I'm still alive!

Posted by Sketchy - January 28th, 2012

Well hello again Newgrounds.

First of all, I have got a name change from SketchyEntertainment, to just Sketchy now. I feel quite bad as I've had 3 different usernames over that past year or so. SketchyComics, SketchyEntertainment now to just Sketchy.


I've recently volunteered to help http://theinterviewer.newgrounds.com in retrieving interviews from popular NG users. I managed to get a hold of DonkeysBazooka, JeremyLokken, and Tarienn. Make sure to stay tuned on "TheInterviewer" account and give me some advice for some future interviews.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On a side note, I have been writing a few scripts for a bunch of superhero animations that AREN'T parodies of other heroes.

Three animations are already in progress, and are all due to be released within three months or so.

The account all of these animations will be submitted under will be TheCustodians, just so no one in the group gets confused for some reason.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

One other thing I have to say! I am working on an animation with Gamekrazzyproduction, featuring voicework from ForNoReason!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Well, that's about it for now, I hope you enjoy what I have to show sometime down the track.


Okay, now for something totally irrelevant to this news post.

The Interviewer and The Custodians!

Posted by Sketchy - January 5th, 2012

After a week or so of boredom and stress, I finally managed to finish the typography side of things for Dot Dot Square, a parody of Dot Dot Dot.

Thank you to Kpheeyat for the great voice work of this animation.

As you may already know, this is a piece dedicated to RicePirate, celebrating one year of his newgrounds hit Dot Dot Dot, although, I posted it one day too early, but it still is around one year so, yeah haha.

Anyway, click here for the flash, sit back, and try enjoy it :)

Thank you very much
